Friday, March 18, 2011

The ABSC and us!

Every month, OFBC gives 5% of her tithes and offering to the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. This week, Jane and I had the privelidge of getting to see exactly where this this money goes! We were invited to a new ministers retreat at the convention building in Little Rock on Monday and Tuesday. We weren't sure what to expect, but we weren't going to turn down a free dinner and hotel stay!! It turned out to be one of the most refreshing, encouraging and exciting two days we have experienced in quite a while! In the end, we were blown away by what all our convention can do and is doing for churches across our great state! First, a couple of stats...

Did you know that there are approximately 1,500 Sounthern Baptist Churches in Arkansas? Of those, roughly 1,100 have a membership of less than 100!! I had no idea! Even more amazing to me, the average congregation size in Arkansas is 70!! That means Omaha First Baptist represents the average congregation meeting each Sunday acroos the state.

Our Arkansas Baptist State Convention offers assistanse in every conceivable aspect of church life! Whether we need tax or legal help, or even help planning and executing mission and outreach projects, they are ready and willing to do whatever needs to be done! I am excited about how we will be taking advantage of these resources over the coming weeks and months and I ask that you pray for them as they seek to help our churches grow the Kingdom in Arkanas!! If you would like more information about the ABSC, check out their website!